Freaky...!!! Yeah try using the bug spray, and bathe in other bathrooms if there are other bathrooms. If not just open your eyes and look around when bathing, and spray it with water. Or bring a housefly swatter in the bathroom, can be really handy.How do you take a shower or a bath after seeing a giant spider in your bathroom and it getting away in there?
I would really need a shower to take one in that situation and then it would be a super quick one.
That reminds me of last summer when I was in my car I saw a gigantic spider crawl in my window and then into my dashboard somewhere. I had to turn the air conditioner off because I got all paranoid that the spider would shoot out the vent and I spent the next week trying to trade my car with anyone who had a spider free car..
Ick I hate spiders! Maybe a neighbor will let you use thier shower!
This is enough to stay dirty for the rest of your life. You have to be careful with spiders and other insects that may surprise you in your bathtub. Always clean the tub with bleach. Do not mix anything with the bleach. The bleach will purify the tub and remove the stains. Then try to forget about it, which will be next to impossible, and continue with your sanitary ways.
When I lived in Toronto, I had an apartment that was full of roaches. Now I am no longer living in that apartment. but even now and then I see pictures in my mind of all those nasty creatures. I guess you will never get over it entirely. Some people are different however. They just take the necessary pre-cautions and preventative measures and then they go back to their merry ways.
Good luck
Peter t
I would bomb the bathroom with a spider fogger before I used it again! I HATE SPIDERS! ICK
Best of luck - I know how feaky this can be!
P.S. I just read a couple of answer that said he (the spider) won't hurt you! I BEG TO DIFFER - I have a big scar on my shoulder from a severe spider bite!
Most spiders are the one of the good guys. If you're afraid then go in there and sit down for a while and look for its web then either spray the heck out of it or start screaming and the police will come and do it for you.
I would try to find it and kill it with a flyswatter if possible. If you can't find it, then just shower, and dry off in your room when you're done! If it comes in the shower then it's gonna die anyway.
It will not hurt you. It is working killing other insects and their larvae. Ignore it. He (the spider) is just as much afraid of you, as you are of it.
I know what you mean. Get some bug spray and spray the bathroom then shut the door . When you go back in bring a flyswatter.
i would not take a shower there
u kiding me? i'm so afraid of spiders
i would ask somebody to kill it and see if there were more
I just leave them, I like spiders. It isn't going to hurt you any.
try to find and kill it
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