Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In water conservation, which is better a shower or a bath?

I'm sure that your showerhead can affect flow, etc. but I keep finding flip flop between showers and baths being better. Also, many sources say, ';short,'; showers, but don't actually define the shortness. I gather that the wet self, turn water off, soap up, then rinse method would conserve water but I'm thinking of a regular old average shower.

So, just looking for a general answer, if an average shower is 10 minutes with an average showerhead, is that shower better or worse than a bath in an average sized tub in an average home (not a gigantic one, not a tiny one)?In water conservation, which is better a shower or a bath?
showering uses more water than a bath.In water conservation, which is better a shower or a bath?
use a shower but the ones that help out with global warming, i herd about it on a site so like ten mins are good but a bath migh use more water. But when u think of leaving a shower on for ten minutes and filling a bath tub.......
I would say a bath. With showers, the water is always running, with a bath once it is filled up then the water is off. It really depends on the size of the tub, the shower head, ect.
Put a block on the drain, take a shower and you will truly find how much water you use during a shower, and ofcourse, most fill the bath tub up for a bath. Everyone's results will be different.
About 15 percent of an average home energy bill goes to heating water. To save hot water, take five-minute showers instead of baths. Install a low flow showerhead. Do only full loads when using the clothes washer or dishwasher. Use cold water for laundry and save up to $63 a year鈥攄etergents formulated for cold water get clothes just as clean.
I've tried this one. It's better to take a shower. You can use the third of the water if you have the right shower head.
A shower by all natural spriong water is great and as for women they need to bathe often becasue their tush needs a flush.
Quick solution..

Plug drain and run shower for 10 min. Notice how much less water you use then when you fill the tub up with the faucet.
well... it would depend on how much water u used in the tub.... but if u controlled the amount of water used in the tub then i'd say tub would be better.
Showers use far less water than a bath. It takes about 30 gallons of water to fill the average tub. A shower with a flow of 4 gallons of water a minute uses only 20 gallons in 5 minutes.
Some shower heads are ';water savers'; -- after that, it is up to you.
Figure out how long you take a shower. let shower run w/ curtain closed for that amount of time.

Showers tend to be better.
A shower is definitely best for water conservation.

You can test by putting the plug in and see how much it fills in the time. A 10 minute shower will not fill the bath much, maybe only to a third of the amount you would use for a bath. So having a bath uses at least 3 times the amount of water.
Home use of water accounts for less than 10% of water use in the world.

Do whatever you like, shower or bath.
5 minute shower is the best
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