Saturday, August 21, 2010

Would DNA from a rape last after a shower and a bath?

I had a rape kit done last night and I was so scared that I may washed all the evidence away...could there be DNA left?Would DNA from a rape last after a shower and a bath?
Yes, yes it could. You may have washed some of the major evidence away, but they can still find traces of the perp on you (under your fingernails etc).

I am so sorry for what happened, my heart goes out to you. You did the right thing getting a rape kit done.Would DNA from a rape last after a shower and a bath?
Once you take a bath it is harder for them to get DNA evidence. However some may still show up, especially if you have a cut. I am so sorry that you were raped, and I hope they are able to find the scum that did this to you.
nope, you will have lost it all during the bath.. you should have got it sorted BEFORE THE BATH AND SHOWER!!! :D


megan elizabeth said...

i just got a rape kit done and i showered and waited a day and we still found DNA so rosette doesnt know what shes talking about.

amrn said...

i have showered and i have just been raped few hours ago and i am scared i dont know what to do ps help
can i still have a case

amrn said...
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