Saturday, August 7, 2010

How long after you have a baby can you take a bath not a shower?

I had my baby on Jan. 31st and I've been taking showers but I really would like to take a bath because its been 3 weeks. I have stitches but they are heeling up.How long after you have a baby can you take a bath not a shower?
My dr actually recommended taking a bath after having my 1st son. I also had stitches from an episiotomy. He did say not to stay in too long as I was still bleeding and a we all know, tampons are a no-no after delivery.

You say stitches, but are they from a c-section or from an episiotomy? Dont know if that would make a difference or not though. Just to be sure though, give your dr a call.How long after you have a baby can you take a bath not a shower?
I took a bath when I got home and my baby is 2 weeks but I didnt get stiches so I dont know

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